New alternative for Lipitor and other statin drugs.

Alternative for Lipitor and other statin drugs improves cholesterol and other heart attack risks without side effects!

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  • Gene Millen, Author - Revised 8/7/15

    Gene and Bernie Millen, your hosts on this website.

    Many cardiologists are discovering the latest natural alternatives to Lipitor and statin drugs that have NO SIDE EFFECTS and lower risks of heart attacks and stroke.

    Why Haven't You Heard About the
    Natural Alternative for Lipitor?

    Follow the money.

    Cholesterol lowering medications bring in millions dollars to pharmaceutical companys. The makers of statin drugs hope that you don't find out about the natural supplement choices that are available.

    Marcia Angell, M.D. of Harvard Medical School pulls no punches in giving her opinion of the drug makers.

    Dr. Angell is the former editor of the New England Journal of Medicine and the author of "The Truth About the Drug Companies" explains the impact of pharmaceutical companies on academic research, clinical trials and the political process.

    Dr. Angell argues that the huge drug companies produce little or no innovation and use their political power to exploit consumers and taxpayers. In her book she gives us some revealing clues;
    Americans spent $21.3 billion on Lipitor and other cholesterol-lowering medications in 2025.

    Why Your Doctor Doesn't Tell You About Alternatives for Lipitor

    During their heyday years the pharmaceutical giants employed 88,000 sales representatives to "visit" doctors, promote their products and provide them with free samples. That comes out to one drug rep for every 6 practicing physicians!

    Another key reason is that medical protocol dictates that statin drugs are automatically prescribed as the "standard of care" regardless of the need.

    My cardiologist was surprised that I resisted taking a statin drug and when I offered to provide him information about natural alternatives he let me know that he wasn't interested.

    This highly trained and well qualified physician had never studied the research and was very comfortable in following the "accepted standard of care."

    The Truth About Cholesterol

    Cholesterol is essential for digestion, hormonal balance and cell function. High Cholesterol helps us live longer!

    A cholesterol fact that is not generally known is that if your cholesterol goes too low it reduces brain function and increases your risk of having a stroke. Without adequate cholesterol we would soon die! See Cholesterol Facts for insights about how cholesterol works..

    Here is what we haven't been told.

    At high concentrations ldl cholesterol can gum up arteries when inflammation and oxidation are present.

    The important thing is to have high levels of the good HDL cholesterol with actually reduces artery placque that can lead to a heart attack!

    So what are the best alternatives to statin drugs?

    Powerful New Cardio Support Formula
    Features Red Yeast Rice, Citrus Bergamot and CoQ10.

    Heart Study Chart

    The story begins in the highly acclaimed Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine and Atherosclerosis Unit in Rome Italy.

    Inquisitive, highly skilled researchers were scratching their heads.
    These heart disease experts wondered why the incidence of heart disease in the Cambrian Region of Southern Italy was significantly less than it was in other areas of their country.
    What they discovered may boggle your mind as it has mine. Who would have guessed that the inside peal of a citrus fruit could reduce nearly every key risk factor of heart disease and lower the possiblility of having a heart attack? Click here to learn more about a new Cardio Support Formula that includes Red Yeast Rice, Citrus Bergamot and CoQ10!

    "These Numbers Have Blown My Doctor's Mind!"

    "Gene: I just wanted to take a minute and share with you the results of my latest blood work.

    "My total cholesterol was 114, my LDL was 48, my HDL was 51 (up from 35), and my triglycerides were 111.

    "These numbers have blown my doctor's mind. He has tried for years to get my HDL up above 40.

    The only thing different that I am doing is taking the Cardio Support Formula with Red Yeast Rice, Citrus Bergamot and CoQ10...along with Krill Oil and the exercise program that you outlined for me.

    "I don't know which of these did the trick, or if it was a combination, but these are the best numbers I have ever had....Thank You BIG TIME!"

    Odis Summers, Lubbock, TX

    Cardio Support with Citrus Bergamot Citrus Bergamot Comparison
    The New Cardio Support Formula
    featuring Citrus Bergamot, Red Yeast
    Rice and CoQ10 is ON SALE NOW in our
    Heart Supplement Store!

    Home Page

    Customer Comments

    "I am so very thankful that Gene and Bernie Millen continue to offer what I consider life-saving advice.

    I appreciate the natural heart supplements they offer for those of us who are desperately searching for alternatives to the "traditional" drugs prescribed by most physicians today."

    Janelle Carey,
    Savoy, Illinois

    "These Numbers Have Blown My Doctor's Mind!"

    "Gene: I just wanted to take a minute and share with you the results of my latest blood work.

    "My total cholesterol was 114, my LDL was 48, my HDL was 51 (up from 35), and my triglycerides were 111.

    "These numbers have blown my doctor's mind. He has tried for years to get my HDL up above 40.

    The only thing different that I am doing is taking the Krill Oil, the Red Yeast Rice with Citrus Bergamot, and the exercise program that you outlined for me.

    "I don't know which of these did the trick, or if it was a combination, but these are the best numbers I have ever had....Thank You BIG TIME!"

    Odis Summerw, Lubbock, TX

    "There is nothing I read with more interest and enthusiasm than your columns. Thank you once again for your efforts."
    Jim Nash

    "I love it. I wish I had found this place a long time ago!"


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