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Recognizing These Heart Attack Symptoms Could Save Your Life.

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  • Knowing heart attack symptoms when you see them, or should I say feel them, could keep you from having a heart attack.

    The most common heart attack symptoms is a feeling of squeezing, pressure, fullness or pain in the center of your chest which lasts more than a few minutes. It may also include jaw pain, dizziness, nausea, "heart burn" or " indigestion,"  and fatigue.
    The pain may go away and come back or spread through your neck, jaw, shoulders, arms or back.
    Sweating, nausea, light-headedness, shortness or breath. In women, chest pain may be mild and other symptoms may be more vague and occur at rest rather than exercise. Click here for women heart attack symptoms.

    Plan ahead
    Drugs called thrombolytics, when given within 6 hours, may help stop a heart attack and minimize lasting heart damage. Decide now on the closest medical center that offers 24-hour emergency cardiac care. Keep local emergency numbers and the hospital phone number posted near your phone and tell family members what to do and where to call.

    Learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
    Learn it if you have a family member who's at risk for a heart attack, and encourage family members to learn it if you're at risk. Contact the American Red Cross or local community centers or fire stations to find CPR courses in your area.

    Act Quickly
    Fast action is your best weapon against a heart attack. Why? Because clot-busting drugs and other artery-opening treatments can stop a heart attack in its tracks. They can prevent or limit damage to the heart–but they need to be given immediately after symptoms begin. The sooner they are started, the more good they will do–and the greater the chances are for survival and a full recovery. To be most effective, they need to be given ideally within 1 hour of the start of heart attack symptoms.

    If you're having heart attack symptoms call 911 and tell the operator you think you may be having a heart attack. Don't call your doctor's office and wait for a call back or just "tough it out". The risk is too great and life is short enough as it is.

    Chew an adult aspirin or crush and drink it dissolved in water for faster absorption. Aspirin may help restore some blood flow through clogged arteries. Lie down. It's almost always best to wait for the ambulance rather than having someone drive you to the hospital (don't drive yourself).

    As I often say, "Having a heart attack isn't as much fun as you might think." 

    The good news is that you can avoid the traumatic and life changing event of having a heart attack.

    Are you confused by conflicting claims and media hype about heart disease? Who wouldn't be? National author and fitness consultant, James Rippee says it better than I could.

    “We have too much knowledge, too much media exposure to ‘breakthroughs and controversies’. What we need is more
    common sense!" 

    Fortunately there is one voice of reason crying in the wilderness of main stream gobbledygook...Dr. Al Sears.

    I discovered Dr. Sears about two years ago and have been increasingly impressed with his knowledge and his natural approach to cholesterol and heart disease.

    Dr. Sears has a very successful medical practice in Florida and a remarkable track record. He has produced results for thousands of people from around the world.

    I've learned an amazing amount of information from Dr. Al and recommend that you take a look at his book, The Doctor's Heart Cure. Just click here to discover how you can dramatically reduce your risks of having a heart attack or stroke.



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