A survivor unlocks the mystery of finding the best heart supplements |
The best heart supplements that money can buy!I'm Gene Millen. In 1990 a skilled heart surgeon sawed open my chest and stitched in bypasses to six of my favorite arteries. This brush started my search for the best heart supplements on the market. It also kindled a passion for helping others avoid a heart attack or stroke. I've provided health and wellness programs for hundreds of people during the 11 years that my wife and I owned and operated the Vital Life Center, an award winning health and wellness club for the over 50 crowd. Currently, as Fitness/Wellness Director of a residential retirement community in the San Joaquin Valley of California, my responsibility is to provide the information, motivation and programming to keep our residents vital, active and mentally sharp.
CoQ10 rated
one of the best heart supplements Since free radical stress is more pronounced in advancing stages of heart failure, the heart becomes even more vulnerable in these situations. Higher doses of CoQ10, one of the bet heart supplements, will be required in cases of severe heart failure.
Statin Drugs can
rob you of Co Q10! Taking cholesterol-lowering drugs can literally "kill" CoQ10 synthesis.
Bio-availability is the key.
New Form of Coenzyme Q10 Announced by Dr. Al
Sears! Dr. Sears has been a lifelong advocate of nutritional supplementation and exercise programs. He is an ACE certified fitness trainer, has a thriving practice in Florida and has written several books. Dr. Sears tells about a recent interview with the leading researcher of coenzyme Q10.
"I want to tell you about a meeting I had with the most
respected CoQ10 researcher in the world. It may be the most
critical CoQ10 discovery since Karl Folkers first identified
CoQ10 back in 1958. Gene
Omega 3 Oil
Benefits Alzheimers
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