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How to Lose Belly FatClick Here to Visit "How to Lose Body Fat"
One of our most frequent questions from exercisers, as they affectionately caressed their paunch, was “How do I lose belly fat?” People often think that special "belly fat exercises" will melt away the fat. It's not quite that simple. It's true that you can add muscle if you do enough crunches, but contrary to our hopes (and prayers) "spot reducing" just doesn't work. For our hours of hard work we don't end up with "six pack abs", just very strong muscles under the layer of body fat. Others think the answer is exercise to lose belly fat. "If I just run on the treadmill for a few hours that will do it." Nope. And too much cardio, believe or not, is actually bad for your heart. "Then I'll just go on a diet to lose belly fat," you say. I recall asking one of our new clients if she had ever been on a diet. She said with a sigh, "All of them. I must have lost a thousand pounds." As we mature two truths become self evident—the ease of acquiring excess poundage and the difficulty of how to lose belly fat. Is there a "secret formula" that shows how to lose belly fat fast? New research about how our body works has revealed how we can supercharge our sluggish metabolism and win the belly fat battle of the bulge. And the good news is that you don’t have to give up all of your favorite foods, count calories or spend hours in the fitness center. You may, however, have to unlearn a few things you thought you knew about eating exercise and weight loss. After 20 years in the fitness business (and even writing a book titled "Glycemic Index Weight Loss") I pretty much thought I had this all figured out. I discovered there was more to learn. Dr. Charles, a Certified Wellness Practioner in Indiana, has developed a comprehensive How To Lose Body Fat Program, that he calls The Fat Factor. I have to admit I was a little skeptical when I first heard about it, but as I learned more I was surprised by his examination of all of the key factors to lose belly fat quickly and naturally. This is not a "crappy" weight loss diet or diet pill…or "kill yourself" exercise program. It is a common sense approach to losing surplus body fat, while increasing energy and improving your health. And the best thing is that it's easy to follow. Some people may think he goes into too much detail as he explains how our bodies work and why women have more difficulty losing belly fat than men. However, he uses lots of illustrations and images to make it easy to understand. If you or one of your loved ones have a belly fat problem, or just want to lose a few pounds and keep it off, I recommend you give Dr. Charles Fat Factor program a hard look, and let me know what you think. Click here to visit the Fat Loss Factor and learn how to lose belly fat. Gene
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