oil has gotten a bad rap.
I'm Gene Millen, your
guide and the owner of this website.
Yes, I've read the negative publicity
but the truth is that it is actually extremely beneficial. It should be
your oil of choice for baking and frying.
I can imagine what
you are thinking. "Isn't that a saturated fat?" As my 3 year old grand
daughter would say, "Yep." But did you know that saturated fat may keep you
from having a heart attack or stroke? This probably sounds like heresy
to most of my readers but your body needs saturated fat to nourish
your heart, brain, nerves and hormones.
Every cell membrane is ideally made up of 50% saturated fat including
your brain.
If you are deficient
in saturated fat your energy drops and your hormones and metabolism head
south. Saturated fat lowers two important heart attack risks, Lp(a) cholesterol and C
Reactive Protein (CRP), a measure of inflammation.
The campaign against
coconut oil started four decades ago when
researchers fed animals coconut oil that was altered to
remove the essential fatty acids.
For reasons that are unclear, the researchers destroyed the excellent
oil by heating it to a high temperature and pumping hydrogen
into it thus changing it to a highly toxic trans fat.
summary they ruined the coconut oil and then blamed
coconuts for the resulting
negative health results. Go figure.
According to Jane Heimlich, author of What Your Doctor Wont Tell You, the American Soybean Association
jumped on the band wagon by advising their members to
protest to public officials that coconut and palm oils were a threat to
health and stealing U.S. soybean oil markets.
Major food companies, sensitive to consumer fears replaced the healthy
tropical oils with toxic trans fat laden hydrogenated vegetable oils.
This is a perfect example of how great
lobbying and advertising can mold public opinion.
The ironic and sad thing about the 40-year negative campaign against
coconut oil is the amazing health benefits that are being missed.
Coconut oil has been found to aid the body in destroying dozens of
harmful viruses, supports the immune system, improves chronic fatigue,
boosts energy and will even help you lose excess body fat.
Dr. Mary G. Enig, one of the worlds leading biochemists and a
pioneer in research on fats and oils explains: "The fact is that for the
last four decades, saturated fats, including coconut oil, have been
condemned for the misdeeds of polyunsaturated fats, trans fats, and
refined carbohydrates.
The diet police have arrested the wrong suspect.
Dr. Enig is also coauthor of a new eye opening book titled "Eat Fat
Lose Fat" which discusses in depth the research on fats and oils and
many of the erroneous conclusions that we take for granted as the truth.
Jon J. Kabara, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Michigan State University
says, Never before in the history of man is it so important to
emphasize the value of the lauric oils in coconuts. These fats are similar to fats in mothers milk and have similar nutriceutical
Nutritional expert, Dr. Joseph Mercola says, "For those with
diabetes, its almost a sin that coconut oil has been kept hidden from
them. It helps regulate blood sugar and raises the metabolic rate
causing the body to burn more calories and thus promoting weight loss. A
faster metabolic rate stimulates increased production of insulin and
increases absorption of glucose into cells, thus helping both Type I and
Type II diabetics."
If you going to try coconut oil there are some things to
watch for. The quality can vary widely so be sure to look for organic
virgin coconut oil made from fresh coconuts. Avoid the expeller pressed
brands even though they are naturally cheaper.
Well, its time to wrap this up. Im heading into the kitchen to pop a
batch of popcorn
delicious, nutritious,
Nutiva organic coconut oil. Topped off with
a generous amount of butter. Ummm good!
PS Micro wave popcorn is high in trans fats.
Glycemic Index
Exercise and
Weight Loss
Low Fat Diet Can
Increase Risk of Heart Attacks