Growth Hormone Releasers... A Product Review.

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  • Arethere any supplements worth taking? Fortunately yes, but they are few and far between. This leads to another approach for increasing HGH; secretagogues, (se-krët´ah-gog) also known as growth hormone releasers. 

    Research indicates that the best way to elevate HGH levels is to stimulate your own pituitary gland to produce more HGH. Studies have shown that an old pituitary gland has the same capacity to produce HGH as a young pituitary gland. 

    Dr. Ben Johnson tells how it works.  

    "We've known about growth hormone for decades now and we've all been looking for growth hormone releasers because the growth hormone is so expensive. Now we have come up with in GHR 15, amino acids and stacked amino acids such that it causes your pituitary to release its own growth hormone and this is the best of all worlds.

    It's not so expensive number one...number two you're releasing your own growth hormone so that you are not putting a foreign substance in your body.

    Number three since it's your own natural hormone it works and functions can't have an allergic reaction to it because it's your very own growth hormone. So this is the ultimate product. It is where we have been wanting and needing to go for a long time. I highly recommend GHR 15."
    Ben Johnson, M.D

    As I reviewed the the various growth hormone products I found three that are worth considering.

    1. GHR 15
    This formula was created by Dr. Don Johnson and his colleagues at the American Anti-Aging Society. Here are the primary benefits of GHR 15:

    • Manufactured by American Anti Aging Society.

    • Top Selling HGH Releaser in USA - millions of bottles sold.

    • Physicians are taking this product and recommending it to their patients, however no clinical trials have been conducted.

    • It is easy to take...only 4 capsules per day before bedtime.

    • Affordability. Although the manufacturer's suggested retail price is $79.95 for a months supply you can find it at the discounted price of only $49.95 for one bottle and as low as $39.95 each if you order 3 bottles. 

    • Unconditional ninety day money back guarantee.        

    • Click here to order GHR-15

      2. PRO-hGH™
      This product is an all natural growth hormone releasing compound in the form of a tablet that dissolves into an effervescent drink.

      • It has the recommendation of Dr. Lawrence E. Dorman, member of the American Anti Aging Society

      • PRO-hGH is the only product that I found that is backed up by research that documents its effectiveness. Patients in the clinical trial showed an average increase in IGF-1 levels, the measure of growth hormone, of 30% in 12 weeks.

      • Significant gains were documented in muscle strength and size, fat reduction, energy levels and other aging markers.

      • Tablet must be dissolved in water which is less convenient.

      • The list price for one months supply of PRO-hGH ranges from $110 to $120 and the lowest price I have found is $79.95.

      • The makers of PRO-hGH suggest that you take it for 3 months and skip a month to allow your body to take over. This has the effect of reducing the effective monthly cost over the four month period to about $59.99 per month.

      • This product has a 30 day money back guarantee.

      Click here to order Pro-HGH

      2. GHR Essentials™
      This product is a new generation Growth Hormone Releaser developed by anti-aging doctors that has both ingredient and price advantages over other products.

      • GHR Essentials contains several exciting new ingredients that increase growth hormone levels and also improve libido, memory and cognitive function.

      • This NEW formula also includes higher levels of amino acids and vitamins that strengthen the immune system.

      • One of the best things about this breakthrough formula is the very affordable price. The regular price of one bottle of GHR Essentials is only $69.99 and a bottle contains for 120 capsules, 50% more than competitors.

      • But it gets even better. You can get 3 bottles of GHR Essentials (a 4 month supply) for only $99.90 which works out to less than $1.00 per day.

      • This product has a risk free 90 day money back guarantee.

      • Click here to order GHR Essentials

        "Since I've been taking growth hormone releasers I have noticed an improvement in the quality of my sleep. It is deeper and more restful—and after a few weeks I found that I was waking up earlier and was "raring to go".

        My energy level improved significantly but one of the things I didn't expect was a calmness under stress. I feel more in control and difficult situations don't seem to bother me as much.

        But the best part was a new found sexual vitality. You're probably not going to believe this but sex at 70 is better than it was at 50! And if you don't believe me just ask my wife." Gene Millen, Merced, Ca

        Everyone is different and you may not receive the same benefits from growth hormone releasers that I have. All of these products come with a money back guarantee so there is no risk to see if they work for you.

        The only way you will know if they will help you look and feel younger is to give one of them a try. Why not do it today!