Studies show policosanol raises HDL cholesterol, lowers LDL's and triglycerides!

Sugar cane field ready for harvest and conversion to policosanol

Sugar cane field ready for harvest.

Studies Show Policosanol Raises HDL (good) Cholesterol up to 25%!

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  • Gene Millen, Author - Revised11/30/15

    Policosanol is an Excellent Alternative to Statin Drugs!

    Clinical studies show an increase of HDL (good) cholesterol by 15% to 25%.

    • HDL cholesterol benefits heart arteries by removing artery clogging plaque.

    LDL cholesterol (often called the "bad" cholesterol) typically dropped by 25-30% during the first 8-12 weeks of therapy.

    • LDL cholesterol is dangerous because when oxidized it can cause arteries to clog and lead to a heart attack or stroke.

    Policosanol is one of the safest and most widely tested natural nutritional supplements.

    • In clinical research trials of nearly 30,000 persons policosanol derived from sugar cane has been proven to be safe.
    Gene Millen, Heart Health Coach I'm Gene Millen, a 25-year survivor of a six way heart bypass operation, a Heart Health Coach, and your host on this website.
    During the last 25 years I've worked with hundreds of people who are looking for ways to improve their cholesterol without the use of statin drugs such as Lipitor, Crestor and their generic cousins.
    About 13 years ago I discovered an excellent natural nutritional supplement (pronounced poly-cos-a-nol), derived from sugar cane, that is one of the best alternatives to statin drugs.

    The statin family of drugs has a long record of side effects, the latest being diabetes.

    A recent study by scientists at the University of Eastern Finland analyzed six years of data from 8,749 men between the ages of 45 to 73.

    They estimated that people who use statins have a 46 percent greater chance of developing diabetes than those who don't.1

    A Natural Supplement That Improves Cholesterol Without the Side Effects!

    What I like most about this natural solution to improve cholesterol:

    This natural supplement derived from sugar cane is backed up by dozens of well-designed clinical studies.

    Framingham Study HDL Cholesterol and Heart RiskThe chart on the left represents the results of the famous Framingham Study, which indicates the benefit of high HDL cholesterol.

    The research study concluded;
    "...high HDL cholesterol levels are protective against the development of atherosclerotic disease (artery clogging causing heart attack or stroke.)

    In the Framingham Study, risk for cardiovascular disease increases sharply as HDL levels fall below 40 mg/dL!

    Studies also show that those with the highest hdl cholesterol also live longer!

    Renowned Natural Medicine Physician Recommends Policosanol.

    Dr. Michael MurrayDr. Michael Murray, author of Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, one of the most renowned doctors of natural medicine provides us with a second opinion about excellent this natural supplement derived from sugar cane.

    "In a 1997 head-to-head study this nutrient was compared with statin drugs lovastatin (Mevacor), simvastatin (Zocor) and pravastatin (Pravachol) Policosanol and ZOCOR were found to be equally effective in lowering cholesterol during an eight week study...but policosano extracted from sugar cane also significantly increased HDL-cholesterol levels and Zocor did not."

    Lipitor and Other Statin Drugs Shown to Cause Amnesia

    Duane Graveline, MD, Dr. Duane Graveline, MD, a former NASA astronaut who was one of the scientists selected for the Apollo space program, relates his story of how Lipitor was the source of his transient global amnesia (TGA)Duane Graveline, MD Space Doc.Com

    "I soon realized the adverse reactions involved far more than impaired cognition, including personality change, myopathy, neuropathy and a chronic neuromuscular degeneration similar to ALS, and all statins were contributing to these adverse reactions, not just Lipitor." Duane Graveline, MD Space Doc.Com

    Frequently Asked Questions About Policosanol

    Research Studies of Policosanol Show Dramatic Improvements in both HDL Cholesterol and LDL cholesterol

    • Clinical studies show increase of HDL (good) cholesterol by 15% to 25%.
    • LDL cholesterol (often called the "bad" cholesterol) typically dropped by 25-30% during the first 8-12 weeks of therapy.

    Is Policosanol Safe?

    This is one of the most widely tested natural products. In clinical trials of nearly 30,000 persons policosanol derived from sugar cane has been proven to be safe.

    Will Policosanol Interfere With Other Prescripton Drugs I am Taking?

    In long-term clinical studies, it has been simultaneously used with nearly all of the common prescription drugs and they have shown no evidence of clinically relevant adverse interactions with policosanol.

    What are the side effects of this natural supplement?

    The side effects are rare and minimal.
    In studies of 27,879 patients (17,225 patients for two years and 10,654 patients for four years), only 86 patients (0.31%) reported adverse effects, the most frequent of which was weight loss.

    How long does it take to get results?

    Detailed clinical trials have shown that Policosanol produces beneficial effects on cholesterol control within the first 6-8 weeks of use.

    What is the recommended dosage?

    The dosage used in the clinical studies was from 10 mg to 20 mg per day. It was shown that increasing the dose to 40 mg had little additional benefit. The majority of persons take 20 mg per day.

    Why is policosanol from sugar cane the desired formula?

    Policosanol ingredients are a mixture of fatty compounds derived from the outer wax of sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum). Products derived from other sources have been found to be less effective

    How much does it cost?

    A 20 mg capsule of Vital Life Nutritionals Extra Strength Policosanol derived from sugar cane is about 37 cents per day.

    Who Could Benefit from Taking Policosanol?

    • Anyone desiring to improve their cholesterol profile
    • Anyone desiring to improve their HDL (good cholesterol)
    • Anyone who wants to lower their risk of heart attack and stroke
    • Anyone who wants to avoid the side effects of statin drugs
    • Anyone who wants to increase their life expectancy.

    Summary of Policosanol Benefits.

    Policosanal typically increases HDL cholesterol by 15% to 25% after two months of usage. LDL cholesterol levels typically drop by 25-30% during the first 8-12 weeks of therapy.
    Statin drugs do NOT improve HDL cholesterol levels. HDL cholesterol is the good cholesterol that has been shown to reverse heart disease.

    The benefits of this natural, side effect free supplement are well documented by numerous studies and come with recommendations from recognized authorities such as Dr. Michael T. Murray, ND.

    It's no wonder that it has been our best selling solution for improving cholesterol.
    We only recommend the best heart supplements that we can find...ones that we and/or our family and friends personally use.

    All Nutritional Supplements Are Not Created Equal!

    In an online comparison study conducted by ConsumerLab four of seven policosanol products tested contained only 23% to 78% of the amount listed on the label.

    The original comparison studies were conducted with a formula derived from sugar cane. It's wise to avoid products made with bees wax, rice wax or other plant waxes as many are not as effective as the sugar cane formulas.

    The University of Kansas Hospital "Natural Pharmacist" website reports, "There is reason for concern that policosanol products made with bees wax may not be effective."

    We only recommend the best heart supplements that we can find...ones that we and/or our family and friends personally use.

    Vital Life Nutritionals LogoThe Vital Life Nutritionals Difference

    For many years Vital Life Nutritionals Policosanol Extra Strength supplements derived from sugar cane have been our best selling solution to improving cholesterol.

    Vital Life Nutritionals This excellent natural product is extracted from sugar cane and is the same formula used in the clinical research studies.
    If you don't get the results you expect from any of our products (which is rare) I'll give you a no hassle refund. You have the Millen's Personal Money Back Guarantee of Satisfaction!

    The following story is a powerful testimony of how Vital Life Nutritionals Policosanol Extra Strength Formula is working for Janelle.

    "When the results of my cholesterol lab test came back in the spring of 2025, my triglycerides were sky high (1723) and my HDL cholesterol so low (8) that I was frightened enough to try any solution the doctor suggested.
    "He prescribed a low-fat, low-carbohydrate diet, exercise and high doses of niacin. This brought the triglycerides down to a reasonable level; however, nothing seemed to budge the low HDL level to much above 18.
    "When we moved out of state, my new doctor insisted that I try a combination of niacin and a statin drug to address what he thought were "unacceptable" numbers.
    In 2025 I finally caved and agreed to the statin combination of niacin and a statin drug.

    Within a year I was unable to walk up and down stairs and couldn't lift myself from a sitting position without holding on to something.
    "I immediately stopped the statin/niacin (against the doctor's advice), and I began in earnest scouring the internet for alternative solutions to what for me had been harmful pharmaceutical drugs.
    "How fortunate for me that I found the Millen's Vital Heart Health for Life site. I ordered policosanol and within six months my HDL began improving.
    My last test, three months ago showed my HDL at 36, not ideal I realize, but for me the best it has ever been. Triglycerides and LDL were also within normal range, and my total cholesterol was 180.
    "I am so very thankful that Gene and Bernie Millen continue to offer what I consider life-saving advice, and products such as policosanol, for those of us who are desperately searching for alternatives to the "traditional" drugs prescribed by most physicians today.
    Janelle Carey, Savoy, Illinois

    PolicosanolClick here to try Vital Life Nutrionals Policosanol Extra Strength capsules (made with the same sugar cane formula used in the clinical studies)Limited Time Offer. Save up to 40%!
    Credit Cards
    Thanks for joining us on the journey to Vital Heart Health for Life!
    Gene Millen signature

    Articles Related to Policosanol

    Clinical Studies - References

    • Doctors involved in new statin recommendations have ties to Big Pharma
    • Dr. Duane Graveline, MD, a former NASA astronaut.
    • Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2025;60(11)
    • Arruzazabala M. L., Valdes S., Mas R., et al. (1995): Effect of policosanol succesive dose increase in platelet aggregation healthy volunteers. Pharmacol. Res. 34:181-185.
    • Valdes S., Arruzazabala M.L., Carbajal D., et al. (1996): Effect of policosanol on platelet aggregation in healthy volunteers. Intern. J.Clin. Pharmacol. Res. 16:67-72.
    • Clinical Trial published on NIH.Gov Pubmed Website
    • One year study on the effect of policosanol (5 mg-twice-a-day) on lipid profile in patients with type II hypercholesterolemia. Adv. Ther. 12:245-254.

    Home Page

    "I am so very thankful that Gene and Bernie Millen continue to offer what I consider life-saving advice, and products such as policosanol, for those of us who are desperately searching for alternatives to the "traditional" drugs prescribed by most physicians today."
    Janelle Carey, Savoy, Illinois

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