Jim Rohn, who is known as the world's foremost business philosopher describes how human nature works.
"We've all heard the expression, 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away.' Well, I've got a good question for you: What if it's true? Wouldn't that be easy to do...to eat an apple a day?
Here's the problem: It's also easy not to do. Neglect starts out as an infection then becomes a disease.
Cardiovascular problems alone in America create over a thousand funerals a day... and 90% of the problem is neglect.
And it doesn't have to be so. Heart attacks can be prevented. One of the reasons many people don't have what they want is neglect.
Gene Millen, the owner of this website with my wife Bernie. I didn't
learn how to prevent heart attacks until it was almost too late.
In 1990 a highly skilled heart surgeon, sawed open my chest and stitched in bypasses to six of my favorite heart arteries.
Six heart bypasses isn't' a record but it's not bad for a skinny 59-year-old non-smoker with normal cholesterol and blood pressure and no family history of heart disease.
Since my heart bypass operation, my passion has been to learn exactly what causes heart attacks and strokes and how we can avoid them!
I've spent hundreds of hours sifting through clinical research for the latest information you (and I) need to know to keep our hearts as strong and vital as our Creator designed them to be.
Are you confused by conflicting claims and media hype about heart disease? Who wouldn't be? National author and fitness consultant, James Rippee says it better than I could.
"We have too much knowledge, too much media exposure to breakthroughs and controversies. What we need is more common sense!"
You may not want to hear this, but the absolutely best way to keep your heart healthy is with the right kind and amount of exercise.
I'm here to be your advisor, help you avoid the pitfalls and
false starts that I have made, and guide you to the cure for heart disease.
Thanks for joining us on the journey to
Vital Heart Health for Life!
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