When it comes to gambling it makes good sense to have the odds on your side...that is if winning appeals to you.
I'm not sure who's holding the best hand in the game pictured on the left.
What I do know is that a casino thrives by stacking the odds in its favor. And you too can dramatically improve your odds in heart attack prevention!
Why do some people have heart attacks or strokes and others avoid these crippling diseases? Is it just the "luck of the draw" or can we lay the blame on our parents for transmitting bad genes?
Walter Bortz, M.D.1, Stanford researcher and author of WE LIVE TOO SHORT AND DIE TOO LONG, tells us that several scientific studies prove that only 15% to 20% of health risks can be attributed to our parents.
Bortz says, "It's not the cards you are dealt but how you play the hand."
Winning for me has always been more fun than losing...and having a heart attack isn't a whole lot of fun. Are you a gambler or like me do you prefer a sure thing?
The INTERHEART study on heart attack risk factors has recently reported that neither high cholesterol nor high LDLs (usually labeled the bad cholesterol by the pharmaceutical companies) showed up among the top causes of heart attacks.
According to Dr. Salim Yusuf, an expert in heart attack prevention and the lead investigator of the study, which was recently published in the prestigious Lancet Medical Journal2, more than 90% of the global risk for acute heart attacks may be predicted by nine risk factors.
It may surprise you as it did me that this clinical study listed smoking as the 2nd most important cause of heart attack.
Yes, the evidence shows you can cut your risk of heart attack and stroke by up to a whopping 90%. Now those are odds you can live with!
I'd even buy a ticket in the lottery with those odds.
"That sounds interesting," you say, "but who wants to give up all the good things in life? I'll just live it up now and die young."
It's not so easy to die young these days. The wonderful medical technology keeps us alive for a long time, feeling really, really terrible.
If climbing a few stairs has you huffing and puffing or if your doctor has advised you to lose weight, then you are not feeling anywhere near as good as you could. To improve your odds check out cure heart disease with exercise.
Jim Rohn, who earned the title of the world's foremost business philosopher describes how human nature works.
"We've all heard the expression, 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away.' Well, I've got a good question for you: What if it's true? Wouldn't that be easy to do...to eat an apple a day?
"Here's the problem: It's also easy not to do."3Jim Rohn
Cardiovascular problems alone in America create over a thousand funerals a day... and 90% of the problem is neglect.
As a charter member of the Procrastinators Association I consider myself an authority in putting things off.
I didn't learn how to prevent heart attacks until it was almost too late. In 1990 Dr. Hugh Tobin of Valley Heart Associates, sawed open my chest and stitched in bypasses to six heart arteries that were clogged up to eignty or ninety percent.
As a youngster growing up I remember clearly waiting expectantly for the next issue of Superman to read what feats my hero would accomplish.
He was, "faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a speeding locomotive and could leap tall buildings with a single bound."
When it comes to heart attack prevention HDL cholesterol is the superman that comes to the rescue!
HDL cholesterol acts like a miniature hydraulic vacuum cleaner, streaming through your arteries (not quite as fast as a speeding bullet), scooping up the heart- stopping LDL cholesterol, and carrying it back to your liver where it can be delt with.
HDLs also douse the fires of inflammation. It is this smoldering inflammation and oxidation that causes the cholesterol in our arteries to turn rancid and clog our arteries.
In the Framingham Study, risk for heart disease and heart attacks increases sharply as HDL levels fall progressively below 40 mg/dL.
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