Do you really understand what causes heart attacks? Are there ways to prevent heart disease, or even cure it?
Gambling or gaming as the casino owners like to call it, is an enjoyable pastime for many folks.
not sure how the poker game in the picture is going, but it looks like
we have some pretty serious canine players at the table.
When it comes to gambling it makes good sense to have the odds on your side...that is if winning appeals to you. A casino thrives by stacking the odds just a little in its favor. And you can stack the heart attack risk odds in your favor.
Is it just the "luck of the draw" or can we lay the blame on our parents for transmitting bad genes?
It's been my experience that there are ways to prevent heart disease, and we can dramatically improve the odds. But we have to actually get started...not just think about it.
Stanford researcher and author of WE LIVE TOO SHORT AND DIE TOO LONG, Walter Bortz, M.D. says that several scientific studies prove that only 15% to 20% of health risks can be attributed to our parents.
Bortz says "It's not the cards you are dealt but how you play the hand." Winning for me has always been more fun than losing...and having a heart attack isn't as much fun as you might think. I want to use the available ways to prevent heart disease.
Are you a gambler or like me do you prefer a sure thing? How would you like to improve your odds of heart attack prevention to, let's say 80% to 90%? I'd even buy a ticket in the lottery with those odds.
A number of studies have conclusively proven that if you:
Now those are odds you can live with!
"That sounds interesting," you say, "but who wants to give up all the good things in life? I'll just live it up now and die young."
It's not so easy to die young these days. The wonderful medical technology keeps us alive for a long time, feeling really, really terrible.
If climbing a few stairs has you huffing and puffing or if your doctor has advised you to lose weight, then you are not feeling anywhere near as good as you could. Exercise is one of the best ways to prevent heart disease..
Jim Rohn, who is known as the world's foremost business philosopher describes how human nature works.
A new study just reported by Newsmax Health reports that one of the best ways to prevent heart disease is to eat an apple each day.
"We've all heard the expression, 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away.' A study at University of California at Davis found that eating two apples a day reduces the artery-clogging damage caused by LDL ("bad") cholesterol.
"Well, I've got a good question for you: What if it's true? Wouldn't that be easy to do? To eat an apple a day? Here's the problem: It's also...easy not to do.
Neglect starts out as an infection then becomes a disease.
Cardiovascular problems alone in America create over a thousand funerals a day... and 90% of the problem is procrastination. I know this because I have a degree in procrastination.
I would consider it an honor if you would review the articles on this site...and then take action on these ways to prevent heart disease. Your heart will thank you for it!
It just might. Krill Oil is One of the Best Ways to Prevent Heart Disease. Following is a list of some of its amazing benefits:
Vital Life Nutritionals Krill Oil is the best source of omega-3 fatty acids for the maintenance of good heart and brain health and has more benefits than niacin for cholesterol.
It is harvested from the pristine, crystal clear waters of Antartica and has received the coveted Friend of the Seas certification. Click here to read more about Krill Oil!
We are always on the lookout for ways to prevent heart disease. We recommend the best heart supplements that we can find...ones that we and/or our family and friends personally use. Since my 6 way heart by pass operation in 1990 my wife Bernie and I take heart health nutrition very seriously.
Vital Life Nutritionals are manufactured by Vitamer Labs, a pharmaceutically registered facility that has been a leader in the manufacturing of natural supplements for decades.
These all-natural supplements meet stringent FDA regulations. This is noteworthy, as the FDA does not regulate nutritional supplements.
GMP Seal of ApprovalAll Vital Life Nutritionals products have received the highest rating in the GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) program and the GMP seal is displayed on the label.
All supplements are tested to insure proper dissolution and absorption. You can rest assured that Vital Life Nutritionals won't end up in your urine and what you see on the label is in the bottle!
Each serving contains 20 mg Extra Strength Policosanol derived from sugar cane and contains the same formula used in research studies.
Clinical studies have shown policosanol more effective in improving cholesterol numbers than Zocor with fewer reported side effects.
"The results from the clinical studies involving nearly 30,000 patients clearly demonstrate that policosanol is overall the absolute best answer to high cholesterol levels, whether we are talking about a nutritional supplement, herbal product or drug." Michael Murray N.D., Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine.
For More Ways to Prevent Heart Disase Visit our Heart Supplements Store. Several great nutritional supplements are on sale now at discounts of up to 40%
Thanks for joining us on the journey toVital Heart Health for Life!
![]() Click Here Free Glycemic Index Chart color coded Heart Health Newsletter Free Report "How to Stop a Heart Attack Before it Stops You!"