I'm Gene Millen, your host of this website. I remember the experience like it was yesterday, although it happened 25-years ago.
My heart was pounding in my chest and and my breath was coming in short, labored gasps.
I was afraid a heart attack was coming any minute...and I wasn't far wrong... Continue Gene's story
This magnificent auto was built in 1931, the same year I was born. At that time Heart disease was almost non-existant.
So what is the cause of this epidemic that is the leading cause of deaths in the United States?
Contrary to what the mainstream medical community has been telling us for decades, the culprit is not cholesterol. In fact cholesterol is good for us, and those with the highest cholesterol live longer than those with low cholesterol!If you have difficulty believing this I don't blame you.
You may be thinking, "How could 60 years of "conclusive evidence" be wrong? It's a very long story of misinformation, lies and deceit.
Dr. Uffe Ravnskov, a Danish researcher and family practice physician, is one the few scientists who have dug into the original flawed research that created the cholesterol myth.
The information Dr. Ravnskov uncovered has not been well received by those who benefit financially from the "cholesterol will give you a heart attack" misinformation. They have severely criticized, scorned and labeled the doctor a "quack" for bringing the truth to light.
The Skeptic's Health Journal provides us with some eye opening information in their article dated January 26, 2025. The author reports the following in a comprehensive review of Dr. Ravnskov's search for the cure for heart disease."
"While every medical student is taught the results of the vaunted Framingham study which underpins much of the cholesterol lowering campaign, a stance reinforced by unanimity among instructors and peers, as well as a nearly unavoidable multi decade media blitz, Dr. Ravnskov did something I never had, he went back and look as the relevant medical literature with a critical eye and a fine tooth comb.
For example one learns that the Framingham study was an exception to more numerous studies. Thirty years after the original flawed study researchers belatedly discovered that "those who had high cholesterol and were older than forty-seven years of age when the project started lived just as long or longer than those with low cholesterol."
In his recent book Ignore the Awkward, How the Cholesterol Myths are Kept Alive, Dr. Ravnskov cites at least twenty studies showing that people with high cholesterol live longer than people with low cholesterol.
There was yet another surprise. Those whose cholesterol had decreased during these thirty years ran a greater risk of death than those whose cholesterol had increased! To cite the report: For each 1 mg/dl drop of cholesterol there was an 11 percent increase in coronary and total mortality.
Please read that again. Isn't it just the opposite of what we have been told repeatedly? Haven't we been told that the cure for heart disease and to live a longer life requires lowering our cholesterol as much as possible?
The opposite is true! The research study concluded;"High HDL levels are associated with longevity and are protective against the development of atherosclerotic disease.
In the Framingham Study, risk for cardiovascular disease (and heart attacks) increases sharply as HDL levels fall progressively below 40 mg/dL.
The story begins in the highly acclaimed Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine and Atherosclerosis Unit in Rome Italy.
Inquisitive, highly skilled researchers were scratching their heads.
These heart disease experts wondered why the incidence of heart disease in the Cambrian Region of Southern Italy was significantly less than it was in other areas of their country.
What they discovered may boggle your mind as it has mine. Who would have guessed that the inside peal of a citrus fruit could reduce nearly every key risk factor of heart disease and lower the possiblility of having a heart attack?
"This is the biggest discovery in cardiovascular health since CoQ10 and fish oil.This remarkable citrus extract from the southern coast of Italy is clinically shown to improve cholesterol ratios in as little as 30 days!"
Dr. Julian Whitaker, a pioneer and trusted authority of alternative medicine says, "Discover the "Heart Miracle" in this Italian fruit.
"I'm thrilled to recommend Citrus Bergamot, a powerful, all-natural ingredient that provides TOTAL cholesterol support by targeting all the critical elements of cholesterol management."
Bergamot has no known side effects, however it is not recommended that it be taken with statin drugs. The the combination could cause your cholesterol to go too low and our body and brain need cholesterol for healthy heart and brain health.
Lipitor and other statin drugs have been shown to cause serious side effects, including an increased risk for developing diabetes, especially among older women!
Test results achieved in 30 day period.
The New Cardio Support Formula
featuring Citrus Bergamot, Red Yeast
Rice and CoQ10 is ON SALE NOW in our
Heart Supplement Store!
"Gene: I just wanted to take a minute and share with you the results of my latest blood work.
"My total cholesterol was 114, my LDL was 48, my HDL was 51 (up from 35), and my triglycerides were 111.
"These numbers have blown my doctor's mind. He has tried for years to get my HDL up above 40.
The only thing different that I am doing is taking the Cardio Support Formula with Red Yeast Rice, Citrus Bergamot and CoQ10...along with Krill Oil and the exercise program that you outlined for me.
"I don't know which of these did the trick, or if it was a combination, but these are the best numbers I have ever had....Thank You BIG TIME!"
Odis Summers, Lubbock, TX
I invite you to browse the following articles to learn the cure for heart disease, which has been kept from us for many years.
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